Friday, July 8, 2011


Alhamdulillah.... our laptop is back. Yes, I was internetless for a couple of days ago due to 'Major' virus attack, I presume. I was blog-hopping at that time when suddenly i got this Win 7 Security 2011 message on my screen and of course I was horrified! First, because my dear husband not around. Secondly, that was my first encounter with virus attack all this while.

Initially i thought i would never get our laptop back to normal. I rushed to nearby computer centre and got myself a pack of kaspersky (being instructed remotely by En Husband). Tried to load the program and too bad it didnt work at all. The virus blocked any connection to the internet too! Despite of this emergency situation (I somehow cannot live without the laptop, as we use this for video conference with daddy who is now is Saudi), I can see some hint of rainbow somewhere- maybe it's time to get new MacBook hik hik... :)

Anyway, due to En Husband didn't send the same brainwave on the Macbook thing :(, i brought the laptop to one computer service centre nearby. Luckily they managed to bring back the laptop to its normal state and now it is back to service.. Alhamdulillah.

Morals of the story, please ensure your pc or notebook is equipped with a 'paid' anti-virus if your on windows. I guess this doesnt apply to Mac User.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Please get the Mac if you cannot be bothered with the virus. I've been using them since my time in elmwood and no virus etc. I told ya menthoque! Hahaha.


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